Email Saturday Night Boxing with your thoughts, questions and comments at When emailing SNB, please include your name (first and last name), city, state/province (if from the United States/Canada) and country at the end of your email content. Place SNB in the subject line before the rest of the subject. For instance if a question is about Miguel Cotto, please place SNB Cotto in the subject line.
There will be a permanent "Email SNB" tab on the upper right hand side of the blog. Saturday Night Boxing welcomes your comments.
Certain emails may be posted on Saturday Night Boxing, as part of a mailbag post or for other editorial uses. Please indicate if you do not want your email to be posted on the blog, or related Saturday Night Boxing content. To respect privacy, when emails are posted, only the first name, city, state/province (if from the U.S. or Canada) and country will be displayed (for example Tom from Dublin, Ireland).
Please keep all emails respectful.
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