Veteran referee Steve
Smoger recently talked with Saturday Night Boxing in a wide-ranging interview.
Boxing has sent Smoger, a professional referee since 1982, all around the
world. He has worked fights on six continents in dozens of countries. One of the
more high-profile referees in the sport, Smoger lives in New Jersey and was
inducted into the New Jersey Boxing Hall of Fame in 1997. Smoger remains busy
as an active referee; in 2012, he worked 55 fights.
In Part II of the
interview, Smoger, who was the third man in the ring for classics such as
Hopkins-Trinidad, Toney-Jirov and Ward-Augustus, talks about his most memorable
fights, his two toughest boxers to referee, what fellow referees say and don't say to each other and the biggest challenge that young refs face today. Part I
Interview by Adam Abramowitz:
(This Interview has been condensed.)
(This Interview has been condensed.)
You’ve been involved
in so many high-profile fights. I can roll off 10 or 15 truly memorable
matches. But is there one in your 30 years in the business that really sticks
out after all this time?
We’ll put it in categories. The first
decade of my career: Brown-Trice I – April 23, 1988, on the shores of Berck,
France, near where the Allies landed – an IBF title, an absolute war, KO 14.
Brown-Trice…a slugfest, a vacant title. It was as if the title was suspended
over the ring and they were fighting for it. Seriously, they both had to be
hospitalized after the fight to gain their liquids back. Kennedy
McKinney-Welcome Ncita in Sardegna, Italy was fabulous.
Then, as we move into the second
decade, Toney-Jirov stands out – an absolute war. I think James Toney at
cruiserweight was at his very, very best. And then in the third phase, the
public became aware of this veteran referee again – it was early in the third
decade or late in the second decade – for the historical impact, would be
Trinidad-Hopkins, the first major event anywhere in the world after 9/11. Lesser
men would have fallen earlier. Hopkins was just so technical, but Tito was so tough. He withstood all of it until the 12th round. He had given everything he had. In fact, the corner and I had decided at the very same time [to stop it]. His dad was entering as I was moving in.
Then, later in that decade, was what we
talked about earlier. It’s not really a trilogy; it’s just two fights:
Pavlik-Miranda and Taylor-Pavlik I. Both seventh-round stoppages. Both
masterful performances where you saw Kelly wear down and assert his will and
his skill on two guys who were just…Miranda was number one when he got Kelly
and it was an eliminator for Jermain’s title. Kelly prevailed. And by luck of
the draw, I did the first one in Tennessee and then I was on the [New Jersey]
rotation at the right spot at the right time four months later for the title
fight. Had I been in the same jurisdiction, I don’t think I would have been
able to back-to-back it. But, as fate had it, the first being in Tennessee
didn’t affect the New Jersey rotation.
I think that various fights and
different aspects of my career stand out. I always go back to Micky
Ward-Emanuel Augustus – fight of the year ’01, an absolutely incredible fight.
I recall on the replay, round four, Teddy Atlas saying, “Fans, at this break,
call all your friends. We’re in the midst of a classic.”
He did that recently
for the first Pawel Wolak-Delvin Rodriguez fight.
Yeah. There you go with another one.
That was two years ago. That was a beauty. There, with the aid of the doctor –
Wolak had an orange for an eye – the ophthalmologist [determined that] he could
see and it led to another fight at the Garden. And it kept their careers on
track. That too was an excellent experience in the Empire State of New York.
I wanted to get back
to Hopkins. Can you describe the challenge of working fights with boxers who foul, like Bernard Hopkins, Joel Casamayor – and I know you did some Luis Lazarte fights
in Argentina. Is there a difference working those types of fights?
Well, first of all, Bernard is the
ultimate craftsman. I worked Bernard in his first major exposure against
Gilbert Baptist. It was the only time that I worked in Colorado. So that stood
out. And I was in the company of Butch Lewis, who always treated me as a
gentleman in every respect. I hope he hears me in heaven. So, Bernard to me was
a master technician.
The two toughest guys for me to work,
who took me to school – you better be on your toes and you better be in the
right place – were, number one, Roger Mayweather. If I’m on the left side, he’s
doing something with a kidney shot on the right side. He was a slickster. And
number two was Macho Camacho. He took me to school in Atlantic City. They had
tremendous ring awareness. So they took me to school, but nothing outrageous.
If I said something, they listened. But I had to be aware that they would do
anything it took. They were in there to win. Those were the two toughest.
Now Lazarte, it wasn’t so much Lazarte.
He respected me and I respected him. The crowd was nuts. They would egg him on
and egg him on and egg him on. And I was able to [maintain control of the
fight] by working close. You can’t work a perimeter with these guys. It’s tough.
It’s like the matador and the bull. You got to work close. You want to stay out
of the way but you want to be there to implement a break or a warning.
Now I never took points from any of
these guys from my memory. But Roger, he was working. I would spin right and he
would do something – hold and hit or drop something behind the head as soon as I
whirled around. He was a good guy, but man, that stands out. Thirty years,
those were the toughest.
Casamayor, I’ll give you an example.
Casamayor fights Santa Cruz in the Garden and the eminent Harold Lederman took
issue with my work that night. That’s when we had a very, very fine discussion
of what is holding and what is clinching. In my view, Casamayor was much
stronger. He, in every way, shape and form, offset Santa Cruz’s offense by
strategically clinching. And I said, Harold, he wasn’t holding. A clinch is a
strategic aspect. The difference is the length of time. If I say break and they
don’t, it then moves from a clinch to holding. Then you got to get into warnings
and what have you. But he said that I didn’t give them an opportunity to fight.
And I said Joel’s experience and strength [was the difference]. He was so much
stronger than this guy. He pushed him around the ring and anytime he [Santa
Cruz] wanted to get his offense off, he [Casamayor] would clinch.
I’ll give you another example. Last
year, at this very time, Devon Alexander implemented the same strategy with
Marcos Maidana. Every time Maidana got close, Devon would clinch, let him go,
throw a combination, and he won easily on the cards. Listen, I cannot dictate
style. I cannot dictate whether the fight is going to be pretty. I’m there to
implement and enforce the rules. There is no rule against strategic clinching.
And Harold said, I think you let it
[the clinching in Casamayor-Santa Cruz] go on too long. And I said, you know,
Harold, maybe it wasn’t pleasing to the HBO audience or whatever, even though I
respect you immensely, I disagree. We had that friendly discussion.
But I never took a point from Joel and
I never took a point from Diego [Corrales] too. But on the point that you
raised, I went to Refereeing School 101.2 with the Black Mamba, Roger
Mayweather, and with Mr. Camacho, Sr. – may he rest in peace.
There are many
well-respected referees who frequently work in New Jersey – people like Benjy
Esteves and Eddie Cotton. What’s the relationship between you and some of the
other referees in the circuit?
Excellent. You mentioned two that I’m
particularly close with. We’ll communicate if we’re working the same card –
particularly with Benjy. We’ll drive together. We’ll split the parking fee. We
go to seminars together. He gave the last seminar in New York, which was
excellent. He’s an excellent referee. He moves well, does a wonderful job.
Eddie is fantastic. He and I have been working together in New Jersey for many,
many years. He can do all weights. We just did Foxwoods where he did lower
weights and he was fantastic. Because of his size, he gets a lot of good
heavyweight scraps. He does an outstanding job.
The one item I do want to mention is
that the three of us never comment on one another’s work.
That’s interesting.
I wouldn’t be presumptuous to say to
Benjy, “X, Y and Z,” or to Eddie. They have developed a style and they handle
it in their own way. I think in a lot of ways we are on the same page, and
maybe we would implement some things differently. We’re very supportive of each
other, but I can indicate to you they have never commented on my style – no
shoulda, coulda, woulda. That is something that you would be interested in. We
don’t comment on each other’s work and we don’t comment on each other’s styles.
“You know, you should’ve –” Never.
I will not name names, but I will tell
you where this developed. A lot of young referees will come up to me – and this
happened several years back. It’s a referee who is doing a fine job in another
jurisdiction, not in New Jersey. He said, “Steve, I have
admired your work for a lot of years. If you see me do anything that you think
I can improve on, please let me know.”
I said, “Are you sure?”
He said, “Yes.”
I said, “Well I think you are doing a
fine job. And if we have an opportunity...”
This is at one of the conventions,
either the IBF or the WBA or WBO, exiting a seminar. Well, as fate would have
it, I’m called to do a world title in the Midwest and, lo and behold, this
other referee is on that card. And he has the co-feature. It’s a local guy
against a tough journeyman. And a lot of young referees will get fooled by what
I call the shoeshine. One fighter in a corner throws a lot of blows, but
they’re not landing. There is no signature shot. The head pops back. The eyes
roll…Jermain Taylor, he was out [against Pavlik] before he hit the canvas. I
don’t care. He was out. The minute the shot lands he went limp and I had to
edge right in.
Well, this ref gets fooled by the
shoeshine, jumps in and stops the fight. The stopped fighter is so energetic he
throws a tantrum. I’m saying to myself, if he had enough energy to throw a
tantrum, he certainly had enough energy to complete the round and [for the
referee to] ask the doctor’s opinion.
The ref gets out of the ring and I’m
prepping to go in. They’re hooking me up with the microphone for the main
event. And he said to me, “What did you think of the stop?”
And I said, “If you want me to be
candid, I think you were a tad premature.” Well, he went nuts.
“Don’t you know that I saw his eyes…”
He went off like nobody’s business. He gave me every cliché – “Better a second
too early” – you name it. Every cop-out: safety, he was hurt, prevention,
wanting to fight another day, etc.
Look, it’s all stuff that is not
relevant to the stoppage. We’re not the matchmakers. We’re not the doctors. I
said, “You asked for my opinion. I did not say you did wrong or right. Had I
been in there, I wouldn’t have stopped it. That’s all I’m staying.”
Boy oh boy, let me tell you...I
smoothed it over. We went to dinner. It has never come up again but that was a
learning lesson for me. I will not ask and I will not tell. If I see a glaring
error, I will walk away. Don’t ask me.
Now that isn’t the same as Eddie and
Benjy. We’re friends and we have a mutual respect. But when young guys come up
to me at various jurisdictions – even out of the country – I’ll say, “You did a
fine job; go see the commissioner; see the lead guy.”
Or, I was taught by a very wise referee
many years ago, [when asked,] “Did you see the stop?”
[He said] “No, I turned away.”
You understand? “No, I was looking
down.” That way you don’t get into a problem with your fellow referees. If I’m
called to comment, I’ll make my comments at a seminar. I’ll say it there. “I
thought it was a tad early,” or whatever. You don’t want to get into whether it
was a slip or a knockdown [with another referee in a live setting]. Years ago,
I had that incident and if I’m called upon at a live venue, I never make a comment.
Even if someone asks me what I think, I’ll say,“I was turned away. I was
looking at the clock. But I’m sure you did O.K.”
In your opinion, what
is the state of boxing refereeing today?
The state of refereeing today is that
we have too many referees. I say that with everyone having the right to ref. I
wish them all well. But work makes you better. Getting an assignment once a
month is not going to do it.
That’s why you are speaking to a person
who has more state licenses than any active referee working today, and perhaps,
ever. I am licensed in more states than any other referees, in more states –
and you can research this – since they have been keeping records. I recently
made an agreement with Eurosport to referee professional heavyweight tournament
boxing in Europe. I say this with humility: I have refereed in more countries
than any other referee in the history of boxing by being in the right place at
the right time. And now at this stage in my career, having Europsort contact me
and fly me to different venues throughout Europe to referee professional
boxing, I don’t believe any American has ever refereed in Morocco. I don’t
think any other American has refereed as I did last month in Riga, Latvia or
Vilnius, Lithuania or Nicosia, Cyprus this past July.
I do that, one, for the intrigue and
the travel. And generally speaking, when I do accept these assignments,
Eurosport, or the promoters involved, ask me to give a seminar, so they can get
a feel. I’m the only American referee on staff [for Eurosport's Bigger’s
Better tournament]. So, they get a flavor of what I bring to the table as far
as style. And I have found the seminars to be very refreshing. They bring a
good exchange of ideas.
Two, I do that to stay in shape. I did
a world title fight in Madison Square Garden and a few weeks later I’m at a
club show outside Philadelphia. And a journalist said there, “Steve, you just
did Johnny Ruiz and James Toney, a world title fight. What are you doing
I said, “Listen, I learn from every fight.
There is something that might occur in this four rounder. They’re more
difficult than Toney and Ruiz.” You’ve got kids full of vim and vigor. Their
girlfriends are in the audience and it’s 12 minutes of hell with these young
kids. And you learn. You better move, or you’ll get trampled. The better the
fighter, the more you can judge where they’re going to go. You know their
styles and tastes. You know what they have and it’s easier to be – I call it
the open window. You want to see the sides of both fighters, so you are there
to implement the rules or issue a warning. I call it the open door or the open
window. You can see each fighter. You position in the middle. And you rotate.
Listen, this is how I stay sharp. You
work in Pennsylvania. Steve, you take [fights] 1, 3, 5 and 7. Gary, you take 2,
4, 6 and 8. That’s how you stay ready. I don’t think that the refs today are
getting the work that is necessary in order to refine and progress in their
craft. And it’s just numbers. I believe in New Jersey they have 30 referees. So
if there were 35 shows in New Jersey last year, how many can be assigned? The
commissions, they have a rotation. They want equal work for each guy. It’s
So I have to take my game on the road.
I’m licensed in Virginia. I’ve worked Delaware, Pennsylvania, New York. I’m
licensed in New Hampshire, Ohio, down in the Carolinas – whatever it takes to
stay busy. Why sit home if I could work to refine my craft?
There are too many referees. There are
some very fine referees. But, on average, unless you are in Nevada or
California, your workload is not enough to keep you sharp in my humble opinion.
It’s just the way it goes. New York has put on additional referees. They have
waited their turn. They have come up. There are just too many. There’s no set
roster of refs, as you have in any other major sport.
On a tangent, it
seems to me that Nevada keeps its number of referees fairly low.
Not fairly low, very low. And it’s by
design. They require residency. I had the honor and privilege – the first time
in 24 years that California allowed an outside ref – [to work] Ward-Dawson. It
was incredible, working with guys like Jack Reiss…great guys to break bread
with in a working environment. It was fabulous. 24 years! Nevada, never. You
have to be a registered voter and so forth and so on. You have to be a
resident, as in California as well. Texas, they are slightly opening up.
John Burns was the commissioner at
Foxwoods and he opened the door for interstate licensing in the East. He said, I
don’t care where you are from. I want quality. He drew from New Jersey, New
York, Pennsylvania, and he put together a multi-state staff. He only wanted the
finest working referees during their [Foxwoods’] magnificent run, which was the
My only critique is too many refs, not
enough work.
After 30 years as a
professional referee, what still thrills you about boxing?
Going back to my dad – may he rest in peace – he said, Steve, when you
watch boxing, it’s the last vestige of one-on-one. There are no timeouts. It’s
just one man and/or women asserting will and skill on another person.
It’s the same thrill as when I began.
Refereeing, Adam, is boxing without the pain. You are
right there when you see one fighter asserting or one fighter recovering. The
ebb and flow is incredible. It’s not like any other sport. Being in the ring
with the gladiators of our era, that’s the excitement. And that never subsides.
Adam Abramowitz is the head writer and founder of
He is also a member of the Transnational Boxing Rankings Board.
Contact Adam at
@snboxing on twitter
Follow Saturday Night Boxing on Facebook:
He is also a member of the Transnational Boxing Rankings Board.
Contact Adam at
@snboxing on twitter
Follow Saturday Night Boxing on Facebook:
This is great stuff. Loved the last answer.