Monday, December 10, 2012

Boxinghead Battle Update: Dec. 10

I have started a prediction game featuring many of the boxing experts in the United States and a few sprinkled in from around the world. I call it the Boxinghead Battle. Predictions will be tabulated throughout the year for major fights.

The rules are as follows: One point (+1) for correctly picking the winning fighter, minus one point (-1) for selecting the losing fighter and five points (+5) for correctly picking a draw. If someone correctly predicts a no-contest, they win ten points (+10) but no points will be deducted for a fight that is declared a no-contest.

Below you will see the current standings of the Battle. Each expert is identified along with his publication. Some names are prominent boxing figures on Twitter and do not have an official affiliation. There are also other boxing enthusiasts as part of the Battle. Contestants who haven't remained active have been removed. The current leader is Dan Rafael of espn (+10). Matthew Mojica (-5) is the trailer.

Check for updates to the Boxinghead Battle. There will be a dedicated page on the upper right hand side of the website.

Update as of December 10th:

Abramowitz, Adam (saturday night boxing) +6
Anjuum, Mohammad 0
Barry, Alex (boxing seed) +7
Boxing 101 -1
Boxing Advocate -1
Boxing Mouth +2
Bivins, Ryan (sweetboxing) +1
Burton, Ryan (boxing lab) -1
Campbell, Brian (espn) +5
Carp, Steve (las vegas review journal) +3
Casillas, J. +1
Christ, Scott (bad left hook) +2
Conner, Patrick (tqbr) +8
Conye, Danny +6
Coppinger, Mike (ring) +4
David, Jose -1
Donovan, Jake (boxing scene) +1
Erdman, Corey (ring) +2
Ferguson, Billy (fighthype) +4
Fischer, Douglass (ring) +8
Fitzsimmons, Lyle (boxing scene) -1
Foley, James (Bad Left Hook) +6
Frauenheim, Norm (15 rounds) +3
Freeburn, Shannon +2
Harrison, Andrew (tqbr) -1
Hernadez, Jorge +1
Hussein, Imran +1
Idec, Keith (boxing scene) +8
Iole, Kevin (yahoo) +1
Jones, Vince Parker +1
Kitchen, Kory (bad left hook) +1
Mannix, Chris (sports illustrated) +1
Maquinana, Ryan (boxing scene) +9
McCarson, Kelsey (the sweet science) -4
Mojica, Matthew -5
Montoya, Gabe (maxboxing) 0
Morilla, Diego +2
Mulcahey, Marty (maxboxing) +7
Mulvaney, Kieran (espn) + 2
Olson, Hans (boxing insider) +5
Ortega, Mark (tqbr) +7
Pawel +5
Poplawski, Ray +2
Punch to the Face +1
Rafael, Dan (espn) +10
Raskin, Eric (grantland) +1
Robinson, Chris (boxing scene) +3
Rodriguez, Alex +2
Rold, Cliff (boxing scene) +7
Rosenthal, Michael (ring) +7
Salazar, Victor (boxing voice Vic) 0
Sandoval, Luis (boxing lab) 0
Santoloquito, Joe (ring) +1
Simon +1
Sledskillz 0
Songalia, Ryan (ring) +4
Starks, Tim (tqbr) +5
Street Fighter 2 -1
Tippy +1
Two Piece Boxing +6
Velin, Bob (USA Today) +6
Warren, Glen +1
Weiler, Matt 0
Wylie, Lee (the sweet science) +5
Zemach, Steve (tqbr) +2

Adam Abramowitz is the head writer and founder of
He is also a member of the Transnational Boxing Rankings Board.
Contact Adam at
@snboxing on twitter
Follow Saturday Night Boxing on Facebook:

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